Ich & UV sterilizer


Active Member
They are often ineffective against ich. The exposure time required along with flow rates render most aquarium uv's ineffective in preventing/combatting ich.
Add to this the amount of live rock, substrate, and/or dead coral decorations means there are plenty hiding spots for ich.
UV's marginally improve water quality...that is about it.
UV's can be effective aginst ich, but it is larger units that are run on multiple systems with little to no in tank decor, live rock or substrates.

luke g

yea i have a turbo twist 3x 9 watt and a skimmer and a wet/dry and all the stuff liek that and my puffer has ich it reLLY DOESENT SEEM LIEK THE STERILIZER DOES MUCH.


Well like ScubaDoo said
UV's marginally improve water quality...that is about it.
UV's can be effective aginst ich, but it is larger units that are run on multiple systems with little to no in tank decor, live rock or substrates.
Yesterday 05:54 PM
Luke G - whens the last time you changed that bulb? How much flow is going through it?

luke g

I Jave A Rio 200 Pump On It And About 5 Foot Of Tube To Puch It Through,and I Got The Sterilizer About 2-3 Months Ago So The Bulb Should Be Good But Idk What Do U Think?


Active Member
Originally Posted by luke g
I Jave A Rio 200 Pump On It And About 5 Foot Of Tube To Puch It Through,and I Got The Sterilizer About 2-3 Months Ago So The Bulb Should Be Good But Idk What Do U Think?
You also need to constantly clean the ******** of the unit and the water fed to the uv must be already filtered..and needs to be clear.


i have a 36w ran buy a 100gph rio. But mine runs consistently through the sump. kind of like a closed loop idea. it sucks in right buy the Exit to the tank, and then comes out back to the begining. If that makes sence.
oh yeah and i was told to
A. clean it out allot because the salt sediment with cover the glass tub
B. change the bulb every 3 to 4 months after constant useage
I would try cleaning it out pritty good, change the bulb and slow the flow down


Active Member
Originally Posted by luke g
yea my flow is slow and i also have mine in my sump like a closed loop
Once you slow the flow rates down...you will not be completely cycling the entire system through the uv. Slowing the rates considerably leads to this.