Ich...What if?


I pretty sure our fish have Ich. My husband was told by someone that it may be a bacterial infection...Because only some of the fish had white spots and the others didn't. No matter what I say or what facts I give him, he want listen.
I KNOW THEY HAVE ICH!!!!! I'm not buying that bacterial Inferction crap.
I have a Flame Angel that has fin rot and is dying. He all white looking, his eyes are cloudy and bulging. He looke horrible!!
I have a Green Damsel with fin rot, and it looks like my Clarkii has Fin rot. I know that fish will get fin rot after Ich.
Here is my question..
I'm thinking if I don't get them all out and into a QT tank they are all going to die a slow horrible death like my Flame Angel is doing now.
Thank you all so much for all your help.


Active Member
If not treated they will surely die and more than likely everyfish will eventually get ich. Do you have any inverts in the display tank?


I would start setting up your QT tank right away. It sounds like your fish have both Ich and a secondary bacterial infection. While you are setting up your QT, you should do a large water change on your main tank. That will help while your QT gets set up. Once in QT, you will need to treat with hypo-salinity and an antibiotic of some type, Beth or Terry will be able to recommend a particular one. These are just ways to treat the symptoms. You will need to look at what is causing the problem. Do you QT new arrivals? Also, what are your tank water readings (ammonia/nitrite/nitrate/pH/temp/salinity)? How big is the tank and what is in it? How long has it been established? Let us know some of these details and we can you help you through this. Good luck!


I have crabs, hermits, starfish, corals, cleaner shrimp, turbo snails.
I thought they would all die if not treated.
I just wanted some hard information for my husband to listen...
Thanks again,


I have 10gal QT now, I was told it wasn't big enough.
How big of a QT do I need?
3 Green Chromis
2 Clarkii
1 Yellow Tang
1 very sick Flame Angel
Thanks Again for all your help...


10gal is big enuff for a QT tank. Go get some copper treatment and put them all in the QT tank. Quick, fast and in a hurry.


The 10 gal has been up and running for about 1 week and 1/2. The Flame Angel was in alone......
We used bio balls from the main tank to seed the filter..
Stress Zime.
Do we need to do a water change on QT before we place them it...We just checked the amonia in the QT and it is fine..
How often do we need to do a water change since the tank never cylced.
We have been feeding them some Antibiotic food..


should have used all 10 gals of water from your main tank. But i guess that tank will need to cycle before adding fish to it and that might be too long of a wait. I say empty the QT and use 10gals of water from you main tank so you want have to wait for it to cycle


Staff member
Why do you think the fish have ich? Did you see white dots that looks as if the fish were sprinkled with salt?
10 gal is not big enough for all those fish.


They all had white spots about 2 weeks ago. They had the spots for about week then they went away on a few of the fish.. The white spots looked like specs of salt.
Now I see white dots on the flame angel and the small Clarkii.
The flame angel eyes are puffy and big.
Three fish have fin rot, damsel, clarkki, flame.
We dumped the QT water with and replaced it with tank water, We seeded filter mat and plced it in the QT.
We also seeded with bio balls.
The QT is only 10 gal. Should we get another tank and xfer a few fish. We have a 20 gal in the garage should we put them in that?
If so can we xfer them this weekend
How often should we check the water in the QT? What about water changes....how often.