

Uh oh, today when I was feeding my fish I noticed that my new clown (no QT yeah yeah yell at me) had a minor case of ich. Just a couple spots. I cant really do anything till tommorow at around 6 so what options are there for a 55 gallon w LR emrald crabs, a brittle star, and some turbos? I've been wanting a cleaner shrimp and I've heard they sometimes get rid of ich is this true? Can I do freshwater dips? Please help...


Active Member
The only reliable treatments for ich are hyposalinity and copper. Unfortunately, neither of these treatments can be done with live rock, corals or invertebrates.
Consider doing either treatment in another tank (or put the live rock and inverts (and much of your substrate if you are using copper) in another container and treat the fish in your display tank). If you keep your tank fishless for 1 month the unattached forms will die off. You might as well set up your future quarantine tank now and use it as a hospital tank now.
Freshwater dips are useless for ich. Even hyposalinity does not kill the trophonts (white spots attached to the fish).