Active Member
Please spare me the lecture about qt for a new fish. I made a boo-boo. I bought a green mandarin today, and when I brought it home it looked fine. I acclimated for about 3 hours with the drip method. Now it looks like there is sand all over my fish. She is not distressed, and she now has ich. What can I do? I have a reef. My tank has been established for a year. I have starfish, ad an urchin. I am going to have to treat my display tank. i have dosed my tank with greenex tonight, and that has worked for me in the past. I called the LFS and told them about the fish, and they said that they would take it back. Should I keep it, and treat it? The ich is not bad. I don't want it to spread to other fish in the tank. What can I treat the tank with? I don't have room for a qt. My parents will not let me have another tank. For the time being, I have not qt. Please help me. Thank you !!!!!