Nuts. Both clowns and my coral beauty have ich. My quarantine tank has a crack so it is of no use. I put the two clowns in a bucket and so far no luck catching the coral beauty. Any ideas on how to catch him. Also, I have never treated ich. Any help will be appreciated.
45 gal. softies...shrooms, zoos, hammer, frogspawn, etc. I also have two peppermints, and 2 blood red shrimps, couple serpent stars, snails. Yellow watchman gobie. 70lbs live rock.
Hey Beth,
I found a 10 gal tank. I am buying a heater and a small filter and will add a piece of lr for filtration. I already have a pump for water movement. I read the sticky for lowering the sg. I will start that tonight. Now all I have to do is catch my wellow watchman goby to make sure all fish are out of the tank. That should be about as easy as keeping the tide back.