

Active Member
I've had a sailfin tang and sixline wrasse in QT for 2 weeks now. About a week ago, Sailfin started showing Ich. Wrasse seemed perfectly healthy. I kept both fish in QT and started to treat with Rid-Ich. I did a 10% water change last night with regular water (not salt) to lower the salinity a little. Sailfin looks much better today. I noticed my sixline last night not swimming around the tank like he normally does. He's hiding under a piece of rock and won't come out. Not sure what's up with him. Anyone know what I should do?


Staff member
Is your QT well-established? What are your water readings?
Are you now planning to perform hyposalinity?


Active Member
yes Beth my QT is well established. It started as my main tank in March. Moved everything to my 125g the end of October. Tests are all 0, ph 8.2, temp is 80, salt is now 1.020. It was 1.023. Since I only have the two fish in it, I lowered the salt some hoping that would help the ich. Sixline started acting funny on wed. night. Did the water change on Thursday night. I just started using the Rid-Ich Tues. Sailfin looks much better but still has some ich and is still eating good (Emerald Entree and garlic flakes). I think the six line is better. Not sure what's up with him. He carved out a hole in the sand and made a cave under a rock. I realize treating with Rid-Ich will kill the LS and the LR I have in there (the LR is only about 4 lbs) I used it only for shelter and hiding areas. I thought I would keep that instead of PVC pipe. The six line is swimming more today so I'm hoping he'll be back to normal tomorrow. Still no sign of Ich on him. I'm really nervour about hypo which is why I'm using the Rid-Ich, plus I only have a swing arm hydrometer.


Active Member
ok, just read this form another site:
Wrasses should be provided with a number of hiding places. Caves and crevices in the live rock make excellent places to hide. A number of the wrasses also feel safe burying themselves in the sand for a nap or temporary disappearing act.
Quess I'm worrying for nothing


Staff member
Go ahead and proceed with hyposalinity. The rid ich was likely a comeplete waste of time. Don't let the absense of the parasite currently fool you. The lifecycle of ich is such that you will not always see it attached to fish.
Provide your fish with some PVC in the QT, or throw in a piece or 2 of "sacrifical" LR for the wrasse.


Active Member
I already have a good size piece of LR in the QT for the wrasse. It has a nice hole for him to hide in and he's created a tunnel under a overhang as an additional place. How quickly should I reduce the salt. Its a 29g at 1.020. Should I only do a gallon a day over a few weeks.


Staff member
Take out 4 gals all at once and then over the course of a day, add fresh buffered water back in. Do this until you reach the target salinity.