

New Member
i have 1 blue damsel 2 clown fish and a yellow tang, also live rock, coral, cleaner shrimps, snails, and crabs. for about 3months
its a 55gallon NO3 80ppm, NO2 0ppm, PH 8.1, salinity 1.021 temp 81.
when i bought the fish i put them in a 5 gallon bucket and after doing acclimation. i put in the RxP 1cap full for every gallon for 15min. when it was ready iput the fish in the tank.
yesterday i saw my 2 clowns with ich. but my other fish seemed fine. so i destroyed my fish tank trying to get all the fish out and put them in a HT. i just started to do Hypnosalinity.
they seem fine now. when i feed them i also add the extreme garlic to the food. 3 or 4x a week
my question is. when can i put the fish back in the DT. also when im done with Hypno does that mean they can never get ich again. or is there the chance they get it again.
becuase i wana purchase a 300gallon fish tank in the next year and have a beutiful setup, but if i have to detroy that tank everytime theres ich it would be a pain in the rear. to take that one fish out.


Active Member
Hyposalinity (or any other treatment for ich) does not confer lifetime immunity against ich. The human equivalent would be something like lice. As long as you are exposed, you are likely to get infected, regardless of how many times you had it before.
Your nitrates are higher than would be desired (particularly if you want to keep that tang healthy). You should do a water change in your display tank. (You can use this water to kick start the cycle in you hospital tank). Hopefully you caught the disease soon enough. However, once one fish in your tank has ich, there is a high probability that all your fish are infected.
You have realized one of the most important reasons to have a Quarantine tank. It is a major pain to catch a fish once your tank is fully established. It gets worse as you start getting corals, etc.. Certainly get a QT established before you set up as large of a tank as you are considering.


New Member
thanks alot elf for ur information. so how do big aquariums keep their fish healthy. for example if u go to bostom aquarium they have 100,000 gallon fish tank decored with live rock and coral and have like 1000 types of fish. how do they prevent the ich. or how do they spot a fish with ich and cure it. it would be almost impossible to catch the fish and QT it. i dont know what else to do


Active Member
I believe large aquariums tend to quarantine everything before it goes in the display tank. If you do this, it is unlikely that any infectious diseases will be introduced.
Quarantining is a hassle when you are getting started. However, it prevents you from adding too many fish too quickly and forces you to plan your next purchase (and avoid the impulse buy that people often forget later). However, if you do this, you are unlikely to have to be buying many fish for a long time after the tank is stocked.