


Grr.. I just got a yellow tang on Sat and when I got home today I noticed 1 white spot on his side (I thought it may have been there this morning as well). I have seen ich before but I have never seen just 1 tiny spot. I am wondering if it could be a scratch. If it is Ich, how long will it be until it spread for sure? I really don't want to move this fish around any more than I have to, as not to over stress the poor thing. I only have 1 very hardy clownfish in with him in a 60 gallon. Tang seems to be fine, nothing on fins, no clamped fins, no bumping against things, no gasping. He does seem to swim through our bubble wall alot though (is this unusual?) Any thought would be great.


Here is a pic of my fish with the area of the spot circled. You can't see the spot from the pic though.


Active Member
Can't tell, did you look at the picture in the sticky at the top to see if it resembles anything?
I've heard bubble walls cause a mess in saltwater tanks due to the evaporation and the bubbles popping - is this a fish only tank or a reef tank with heavy lights?


Well this morning he had 2-3 more spots. Definately Ich :help:
I put him in a QT with Coppersafe this morning. The issue is that my QT is not cycled because we just got it running when we got this new fish. What should I do since it isn't cycled. Will this cause an issue? Fish still looks good otherwise. I caught it early. Can I do hyposalinity as well as copper?


Staff member
Copper is actually a bad choice for tangs and a bad choice for an uncycled tank. Perhaps you should consider hyposalinity.
The procedure is explained in detail in the FAQ Thread located at the top of this fourm.