

hey guys long time reader, first time poster... i have a 75 gallon that is pretty established, 5 months, 85 lbs LR, i have a blue hippo(i know, some of you are gonna say dont keep that in a 75, ive heard it before), a perclura clown, 5 green chromis. today i noticed some white dots on my tang, and from what i have read, it looks like ive got some ich...
where do i go from here? i know i have to quarantine him, do i need to do the same with my other fish? do i have to buy something to treat him with? if yes, what?


Active Member
Check out the FAQ section at the top of the forum. Read up on quarantine and hyposalinity. If you haven't quarantined any of your fish up until this point, you likely introduced the parasite on one of them. All fish should be treated, even if they do not show symptoms.
Can you post a picture of what you're seeing on the tang?


Active Member
Welcome to the message boards!!! I am glad you decided to join the forum, but I am sorry we had to meet under these circumstances.
Since your one fish has ich, everything has been exposed and everything will now have to be put into a quarantine tank so that you can put them through hyposalinity.
You will need a refractometer, as well as ammonia/nitrite/nitrate/pH test kits.
If you have any questions or do not understand something in the FAQ above, please post them here!!! We are here to help you with whatever you need.