

Active Member
Originally Posted by 75 Gallon Bow
just a statement....... kinda pissed kinda sad.....

Ahhh I hear ya.. I had 4 fish get owned by it too. They were in Hypo and never made it.. Sorry to hear it....


powder blues are notorious for ich. Get yourself some cleaner shrimp and feed good flakew/garlic and you shouldn't have a prob next time. I don't have a p.blue, but I have a scopas, yellow, mandarin, 2 black clowns, 2 bangaii, 5 chromis, NO QUARANTINE, and no ich so far. Just my 2$...
the method was obviously not working.... now i set up a qt tank 5 days ago now i put my clowns in there before i went to work. If i left them in the display tank i knew they were rgonna die they were horrible looking. I hope they are ok i cant wait to go home. WHat should i do with the display tank. I still have 2 fish in it. a yellow tang and a flame. the yellow keeps getting the ich a little on his fins. not even close to where the powder blue was though. any ideas?


for me, a QT was much more work than it was worth. I know a few people that use my method to, and we all have had success. It's very neat watching the cleaners go to work on newly added fish too. I added the yellow tang last night and they both instantly swam over and went to town on him.
You really only have two options though: you can either try my method, or make a fish trap and qt ALL your remaining fish for at least 6 weeks. If you try my method, let me know how it works out for you.


My thoughts on the ich question
While I do belive it may be possible to eradicate ich from a tank, I believe the health of the fish, the water quality and more importantly the water volume are the real factors determining whether a fish gets infected...
For example, I have been diving in just about every tropical ocean in the world, but have never seen a fish that loked infected..why not? Surely it exists in the wild?
I believe the reason is that there is probably a very low level of infection present...when the parasites fall off and multiply in the ocean they are diluted infinitely and eaten by other creatures. In the tank this dilution does not occur and the numbers of parasites increase exponentially. This results in numbers of parasities that the fish cannot deal with on its own...
just my theory


Originally Posted by 75 Gallon Bow
so just flake garlic food?
no, at least 2 cleaner shrimp and good flake garlic food. I use Spirolina (green can). Like i said though, it has worked for myself and my friends, but that doesn't garuntee it will work for you. I suggest try it though ;-). At the same time, i'm assuming you're keeping up with you water changes and quality. A good healthy tank will eliminate a lot of unessesary (unwanted) problems and help with your fishs' immunity.
ER...MD - very good theory. I never thought of it like that, but I completely agree.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mlwoods007
powder blues are notorious for ich. Get yourself some cleaner shrimp and feed good flakew/garlic and you shouldn't have a prob next time. I don't have a p.blue, but I have a scopas, yellow, mandarin, 2 black clowns, 2 bangaii, 5 chromis, NO QUARANTINE, and no ich so far. Just my 2$...
You've been lucky.
Ich burrows under the scales of fish. Cleaner shrimp may help; but they may not. They cannot be relied upon. Furthermore, some fish never allow a shrimp to "clean" them.
Flake food breaks down quickly in your tank and is nutritionally lacking. Also, "...allicin, the active ingredient in garlic, is unstable and prone to breakdown in a relatively short amount of time (Cortes-Jorge 2000)." (Taken form an article by S. Pro).
I am a firm believer in using garlic to stimulate feeding. If you are looking for an immune boost, you need to use fresh garlic. There have been some studies suggesting fresh garlic does boost the immune sytems of fish.


Originally Posted by 75 Gallon Bow
the method was obviously not working.... now i set up a qt tank 5 days ago now i put my clowns in there before i went to work. If i left them in the display tank i knew they were rgonna die they were horrible looking. I hope they are ok i cant wait to go home. WHat should i do with the display tank. I still have 2 fish in it. a yellow tang and a flame. the yellow keeps getting the ich a little on his fins. not even close to where the powder blue was though. any ideas?
The five gallon that you just set up is not going to do much for the clowns, I am sorry to say. They need treatment. Do you have LR and LS? Is this a FOWLR or a reef?