About a week ago I think I made to mistake of adding to many inhabitants at the same time. I added three fish, some inverts, and a few pieces of cured live rock. My Blue Tang seem to get extremely stressed out and now is covered with what I guess to be Ich. Small white spots all over the fish. There has been no scratching but the white dots are very prevelant. One of the additions was a cleaner shrimp. The Tang seems to stay next to the shrimp for his services. My other inhabitants dont seem to have any symtoms. I have stepped up water changes. I was doing 10 gal each week. Last night I did 20 gals in hopes to clean up the water quality. I guess it goes with out say that I do not have a quarentine tank. Is it possible for the tang to recover without putting a quarentine tank together by improving water quality and reducing stress factors.
My tank is a 90 gall reef tank so copper meds wont work. Any suggestions would be great.
My tank is a 90 gall reef tank so copper meds wont work. Any suggestions would be great.