
lady becca

I have a reef tank (75g) with several corals. I have the following Live Stock:
2 Yellow Gobys
1 Orange Diamond Goby
3 Oscellaris Clowns
1 Chaulk Bass
1 Flame Hawk Fish
2 Peppermint Shrimp
2 Skunk Shrimp
2 Sandsifting Stars
2 Black Cucumbers
Several Snails
I looks like I have a possible Ich infestation on one of the Yellow Gobies. This goby was in the overflow the other day, and we had to get it out, which was not easy. I think it stressed him.
I have heard that Ich does not spread to other fish, but can cause problems.
The Yellow goby has bumps and loose scales, not all of the bumbs are white, but he is a bright yellow and it maybe hard to tell. What could this be? Is it Ich?
He looks really bad, but other fish are fine.
All water parameters are optimum. Ammonia = 0, Nitrates = 0, Nitrites = 0, Salinity = 1.023, PH = 8.2
What should I do? I don't know if I can catch him without removing all of my live rock and stressing all other fish.


Staff member
Ich is highly contagious and can and will spread rapidly to other fish. The only viable treatments is hyposalinity and copper treatments. Neither of these treatments can be used in a reef tank. Realistically, to adequately treat your fish and rid them and your tank of ich, you need to QT your fish and thread them with one of the two treatments of mention. Preferable hyposalinity.
Take a look at the FAQ Thread for info on QT as well as hyposalinity. Otherwise, you might try a so-called "reef safe" med, which is misleading to say the least. It is hit/miss in terms of effectiveness. However, since you are just beginning with the problem, it may work. Whether such is med is "reef safe"....don't completely count on it.
Additionally, feed your fish with garlic soaked food [use fresh garlic, and retain the juices in the same container that you will place the fish food in].