ICK And Eels And Sharks


Ok Someone clear this up for me this will determine if i keep listening to my LFS or not...they told me that sharks or Eels do not catch Ick is this true?


Sharks can get ick. They're just alot more resistant to it than most fish. It's not very likely but it can happen.


ok i have just lost 2 fish to ich my flame angel and my sailfin i lost in the quarentine tank I have coper treatment in ther now how long should i leave my fish in there for with the treatment and how long before i add fish to the display tank right now i have a snowflake Eel in the display do i need to treat him too or just leave in there


Yes go ahead and treat the display tank IF the fish you lost caught the ick in the display tank. wouldn't want those pesky little parasite getting to any other fish.


Don't treat the display tank. You need to take out ALL fish and put them in a QT, then let your display go a minimum of 30 days with no fish(this will give the parasite time to die off due to no host). NEVER put copper in the display tank(unless its STRICTLY Fish only). Copper will give you nothing but problems in a display as I can tell you from my own past experiences. If you leave the eel in the display more than likely this problem will continue. If your treating the QT with copper, I would say that after 2 weeks your should be ok to add the fish back to the display... but you need to wait 30days for the ich to die off so wait 30 days. :D