Ick and Pepper base medicine.



Anyone got an experience for using KENT RXP that claim for pepper base medicine to cure marine ick?


Active Member
That product works well in QT tanks, but it cannot be used with a variety of things such as shrimp, snails, crabs, starfish, coral, live rock, and lionfish.


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
That product works well in QT tanks, but it cannot be used with a variety of things such as shrimp, snails, crabs, starfish, coral, live rock, and lionfish.
This reply you mentioned to shrimp. Some topic just suggest to keep cleaning shirmp for cleaning ick or parasite in the tank.... That's work????


if you don't buy yet the medication so i suggest to you to buy the cupramine by seachem and treat the fish in Qt .seachem said to treat for 14 days but it will be better to treat 21 days to be sure that the parasite cycle die. the other way it's hypo . i use both treatment (prefer the hypo) but with hypo you never sure in 100% that the ich will gone, more then that when you treat the fish it's better to reduce always the salinity because in low salinity the stress will reduce to.


Staff member
The pepper products, imo, are not very effective. It may work, but it is just as likely not to work. Like garlic, once ich hits, it is not likely to be very effective. I would use it in the display.


Originally Posted by Beth
The pepper products, imo, are not very effective. It may work, but it is just as likely not to work. Like garlic, once ich hits, it is not likely to be very effective. I would use it in the display.

i wish everyone will read this post good , ppl think that garlic or other vitamin kill ich when it's present and it's wrong garlic are very good and help to boost fishes' immune systems but garlic can not stop exist ich.


Staff member
Its very unlikely that either garlic or pepper will "cure" an outbreak of ich. It may, but very unlikely. You risk certain failure by relying on such to address a parasite outbreak.


Garlic won't make the ich go away. The ich will remain the tank and attack other fish. The best 100% way of making sure ich won't get into your main tank and start attacking the fish would be to put all new fish and current fish from the main tank into a hypo tank for atleast 5 weeks. Copper would also be another route to go. Many people will also claim that kick ich or other similar brands helped treat their ich problem but then down the road, the ich returned. Garlic and all other ich treatments are pretty much a waste of money that you could have put twards a hypo tank. I myself am upgrading my hypo tank and it's going to cost around $150 to finish the project but it's well worth it.


correct Evanish i read here a lot of post about those medication and a lot of member that spend money on new fish on those vitamin and not on a simple QT that can save all this expenses they think it will be easy to treat in the main display medication that called reef safe and in the past i do the same but after very short time i realise that if i want to run a real good healthy tank the first and the important item in this hobby it is to get a QT and any new arrival that i get put it there and treat it there, since i like to test all those medication i try them in the QT and botttom line for treat ich just hypo or cooper treatment will solve the probelm , i prefer the hypo treatment but sometime i use with cupramine because it's more stabile and safer then copper sulfate.
i do think that vitamin to add with the food by mixing them together and cleaner shrimps or gobies are good to add to but they can not treat ich.


When I tried garlic, it didn't a bit of good. Wasted $17. Tried kick ich over 2 years ago and it didn't do anything besides turn my rock blue.


Active Member
Just so no one reading this gets the wrong idea here, garlic is an excellent product to be regularly added to the fish's food. Though it does not "cure" ich, it helps the fish's immune system quite a bit.


Originally Posted by Beth
The pepper products, imo, are not very effective. It may work, but it is just as likely not to work. Like garlic, once ich hits, it is not likely to be very effective. I would use it in the display.
Hard to say that my country is limited for such stuff. Only a KENT selling agent here. That mean you're going to say that Garic is better than PEPPER ?


Originally Posted by Evanish
Garlic won't make the ich go away. The ich will remain the tank and attack other fish. The best 100% way of making sure ich won't get into your main tank and start attacking the fish would be to put all new fish and current fish from the main tank into a hypo tank for atleast 5 weeks. Copper would also be another route to go. Many people will also claim that kick ich or other similar brands helped treat their ich problem but then down the road, the ich returned. Garlic and all other ich treatments are pretty much a waste of money that you could have put twards a hypo tank. I myself am upgrading my hypo tank and it's going to cost around $150 to finish the project but it's well worth it.
Some of local medicine call BIO-KNOCK 2, I just guess that is compound of Malacine Green and Methyline blue ( very mild ) Biofilter still do the good job while treat it. including all animone still alive with it. BIO-KNOCK 2 suggests to use continiue at least for 3 days and everytime you got a water change or introduce new fish to the main tank including using for QT.


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Just so no one reading this gets the wrong idea here, garlic is an excellent product to be regularly added to the fish's food. Though it does not "cure" ich, it helps the fish's immune system quite a bit.
I think so,


Originally Posted by mohd
Some of local medicine call BIO-KNOCK 2, I just guess that is compound of Malacine Green and Methyline blue ( very mild ) Biofilter still do the good job while treat it. including all animone still alive with it. BIO-KNOCK 2 suggests to use continiue at least for 3 days and everytime you got a water change or introduce new fish to the main tank including using for QT.
Never heard of this product before but I'll try a few searches on it and see what it brings up.


Originally Posted by Evanish
Never heard of this product before but I'll try a few searches on it and see what it brings up.
Yes! I can kill all ick but must give them to work around 2-3 weeks.


Originally Posted by mavgi
correct Evanish i read here a lot of post about those medication and a lot of member that spend money on new fish on those vitamin and not on a simple QT that can save all this expenses they think it will be easy to treat in the main display medication that called reef safe and in the past i do the same but after very short time i realise that if i want to run a real good healthy tank the first and the important item in this hobby it is to get a QT and any new arrival that i get put it there and treat it there, since i like to test all those medication i try them in the QT and botttom line for treat ich just hypo or cooper treatment will solve the probelm , i prefer the hypo treatment but sometime i use with cupramine because it's more stabile and safer then copper sulfate.
i do think that vitamin to add with the food by mixing them together and cleaner shrimps or gobies are good to add to but they can not treat ich.

My friends also put around 10 cleaner shrimps to the tank and they will do the job at night.


I used that rxp stuff before make sure you have a great skimmer when you use it... its ok with snails and crabs and shrimp BUT make sure that u follow the directions to the T. it's gonna smell really bad so make sure you open a window maybe two windows. As for if it works or not i had no luck but try it and see if you do..


Originally Posted by drjay50000
I used that rxp stuff before make sure you have a great skimmer when you use it... its ok with snails and crabs and shrimp BUT make sure that u follow the directions to the T. it's gonna smell really bad so make sure you open a window maybe two windows. As for if it works or not i had no luck but try it and see if you do..
Nowdays, I just manage with the new arrived fish by bring the temperature up to 32-34 c' by heater for speeding up the ick life cycle and kill it with some local medicine.... it might be a Malachite Green base but it saft for all animone... but it take around 5 days at least and up to 2 weeks.