ICK? Brookwhatever?


I bought a naso tang that got a slight case of ick after a few days in my 60 gal. reef tank... I started treating with garlic in the food, and some NO-ICK treatment... I also have a mated pair of black perculas who are now kind of "fuzzy" looking... they're scratching .. not sure if they have ick or that other clown disease? I keep treating.. took out the carbon.. shut off the skimmer... water perameters are perfect...it's been almost a week.... still not cleared up....
I have a lot of rock and corals so I can't hypo or copper...and I can't catch them without destroying the whole thing... I can see tiny white specks floating all over the tank... is that the parasite colony?? or just dust stirred up by the fish rubbing on the rocks and calpuera? (my tank is full of that stuff... that's why I got the tang)
Anyway... any advice????


forgot to mention... I also have a cleaner shrimp in there.. I've seen him working on the tang.. but not the perculas..... he's trying though...


Bump this up... Please?
I dont' have a quarantine tank.... and I don't know how to get the clowns and the tang out of the reef tank without destroying all the rockwork and disturbing all the corals and anemones.... but they look like they're really itchy.... I want to help them.....