ick dilemma


I woke up this morning and found that my Royal Gramma had white salt sprinkles all over him, which is definitely ick. They arent there this afternoon but I assume that this is just the cycle of ick and they will come back ten fold soon. What I am wondering is will the fish die if he doesnt get treated by this weekend? I am planning on setting up a quarantine tank this weekend and do hypo on them with water from the tank they are in now. Also would two clowns, a blue damsel, and a royal gramma be alright in a 10 gallon for the amount of time they need to be quarantined? Please let me know!


I don't think anyone could say for sure if they could make it to this weekend. The sooner you can get a QT up and running the better. As for the fish in a 10 gallon..... it should be fine, bigger
tank would be better.


I have live rock, a feather duster, 3 peppermint shrimp, 10 astrea snails and 10 blue leg hermits as well as a flame scallop.
The gramma looks like there is no ick at all on him now and I havent seen it on any of the 3 other fish but I want to quarantine them anyways. I have been feeding them garlic soaked foods in the meantime until I can get my quarantine tank this weekend. Will the tank go through much of a cycle if I use water from my tank?


Staff member
Too many fish for a 10 gal....especially with damsels in the mix. Have you added new fish recently? Try offering the fish garlic soaked food.


the fish arent in a 10 gallon, I just want to use that as the quarantine tank. I have been feeding them garlic soaked food for the past 3 weeks or so. I think the gramma is sick because he was hard to catch at the pet store, and when I got him home the blue damsel harassed him alot(tail slapping). Hopefully the garlic food will help out his immune system. If not I am going to have to quarantine them all in the 10 gallon.


Staff member
I understand you meant 10gal QT, and I mean, its too small for that many fish. As you have exp already, the damsels are quite harassing.


so if the gramma gets better with the garlic soaked food, does this mean that the rest of the fish should be alright from ick? If not what should I do get rid of the damsel and just try to quarantine the other 3?


Staff member
I suggest that you go ahead and work on setting up a QT. You need one to prevent this from happpening again. QT all new fish before they go into the main tank.
Continue to feed the fish food that is soaked in fresh garlic, and see what happens. Perhaps, if it was a mild infection, the garlic will do the trick, but, in the meantime, you can be working on the QT just in case.


How about I move my shrimp, live rock, snails, crabs, and feather duster to the quarantine tank and do hypo in the display tank then if it wouldnt be enough room with the damsel? Also this would be easier than trying to catch the devil himself wouldnt it? I only have one large rock in my tank so let me know if this would work. Thanks


Staff member
Yep, you can certianly do that. But will all the stuff fit into a 10 gal tank?


yes the rock I have is only about 10 inches wide by 6 inches deep and about 6 inches high so that will fit. The feather duster and the rest do not take up much space of course.
Also on hypo is it absolutely necessary to have an expensive hydrometer. I have a swingarm type and how inaccurate are they. If the salinity drops below 1.009 will the fish automatically die or what? It is to my understanding that ick survives in salinity above that but will it be bad if the water goes below 1.009 to the fish?


Staff member
Swing Arms are absolutely unreliable for any application in this hobby. Refractometers, I feel, are essential to ensuring accurate measurement of salinity for marine animals. Keep in mind that water quality is to fish what air is to us. These are available on ---- for around $50.
If you can not get a refract, then go with a quality glass hydrometer.
Be sure to use water from your main tank to set up that QT.


Active Member
Yes, refractometers are fab, if you cant afford one then a good quality glass hydrometer is also good.
Im starting to think we should open up an Ick Forum...:D


Staff member
Tim, did you ever get a refract? Did you say that using the glass hydrometer didn't work for you?
Ick is a major fish disease, for sure. It is also so easy to threat...if only people will get QT's!


Active Member
No I still havent got a refractometer, mind has been sidetracked this summer with applying for international scholarships for university!
No hypo would not really work for me with my glass hydrometer, a refractometer is on the shopping list next time I have to order from the US!


so has anyone had any success with hypo using a glass hydrometer? The ick is not going away. It was on the gramma again this morning although it didnt seem to be any worse than it was before. Let me know before I go buy one and it doesnt work