ick help please


Last week I lost my PBT-I am not sure from what. It started out looking like ick (little white dots on him) but within a matter of hours he started to turn white and die shortly after. Due to lack of knowledge (sounds better than stupidity) I did not QT him when I first got him because he was at the LFS for over a month before I got him and I did have him for over a month before he got sick. This morning my green mandarin looked like he had a small amount of white spots on him and my fox face looks like he has bumps (not white spots) on him and he has made a number of trips to where my cleaner shrimp seems to have set up shop. Now this afternoon both of them look ok. The LSF told me that since this just started and since there was such a small amount on the fish to try Kick Ich and see if it does any good. Will the Kick ich prevent my other fish from getting ick? What if I don't have ick and I use the Kick Ick-will it hurt my fish? My water tests are ammonia 0 nitrates 20 nitrites 0 water temp 82 salt 1.023. 125 gal set up about 6 weeks ago. (I changed over from a 75 gal and used all my old water, LR and LS). I moved my fish over from the 75 gal. I had my 75 gal for 8 months. In the tank I have:
1 large yellow tang
2 Marroon clowns
1 stripped cardinal
2 blue damsels
1 white & Black stripe damels
1 three spot damsel
1 very small naso tang
1 marine betta
1 red spot hawk
1 green mandrin
1 cleaner shrimp
2 peppermint shrimp
1 coral banded shrimp
a number of snails and hermit crabs
1 horseshoe crab
I did not know about this site until after I had started the 75 gal and made the mistake of listening to the LSF. I did not even have a QT tank which I do have now. They told me I didn't need a QT tank and I listened to them,
and up until now I had been lucky that I didn't have problems.


Staff member
MLT: Welcome to Saltwaterfish.com. Sorry to hear about your troubles.
What type of tank do you have? FO?? Any live rock or live sand in it? Inverts, corals?
Kick Ick is hit and miss on effectiveness. If you have a strictly FO tank you can treat the fish and tank with hyposalinity. There is info on the procedure in the FAQ Thread.
Chances are you are dealing with ich, otherwise it would be saltwater velvet [from the description] and all your fish would be dead by now. Can you describe the "bumps" a bit more? Take a look at the FAQ Thread. An example of ich is posted there.
Can you post a pic of your sick fish?


I do have inverts-snails-horseshoe crab-CBS-peppermints-hermit crabs, LR & LS.
No corals but three bubble tip amemones. The bumps are like when a person gets goose flesh-but not as many. The color is color of the fish. They are all eating and swimming fine. I noticed that the spots on the green manadrin almost look like water drops. Usually he hids in the LR but lately he has been swimming in the open but still goes in the rocks to eat. He has grown since I got him and the CBS molted last week. I thought it was dead because I found his shell and then I saw it hanging upside down in a crevice in the rock. He is now out and about and looks really good.