Ick help!


Active Member
Ok, to start off, I was stupid and didn't use my QT

Ok, so I bought a Hector's Goby from a store that I don't buy fish from, but with this one I did. In the store he looked fine and I stupidly acclimated him and put him in the tank. Today I noticed that he is getting covered with white spots.
Now, I have a 10 gallon QT that I could use for copper treatment, but I have noticed that the firefish are starting to rub themselves on the sand and I was wondering if there is a treatment that i can use in the tank?
I have a nano that I could put the corals in, and a huge bucket to put the rock in, but the 10 gallon would be full with the hector's goby, 2 firefish, 1 black saddleback, 1 orchid dottyback, and 1 mandarin goby. I would have to pull all of the rock out to catch the fish anyway, so that is why I was wondering if there was an effective non-copper treatment.
I have read the threads about the 2 week life cycle, and I'm sure that if there was a different treatment it would be posted on here, I'm just trying to figure out what to do. Do I just pull the rock and corals out anyway, but only put the infected fish in the 10 gallon? The tank is a 38 gallon. And what do I do with the mandarin? There is about 60 lbs of live rock, but I still have to dump copepods in about once a week to keep him 'plump', and I think he would clean out the pods in a day or two without the rock in there.
Besides the 6 small fish, I also have crabs and snails in there. And i don't know if the sps would live under the power compacts in the nano for 2 months, but I could dip them and put them at a friends house.
Any help would be great, I realize I'm an idiot for not putting it in QT, but what is done is done I guess, so what's next?


Active Member
Is Rid Ick copper free? Effective?
Disregard this post, found my answer so I'm still looking for what to do.


im not gonna be much help but id pm beth she would be able to tell you what is effective, if no one chims in here soon


Sickboy, where did you read about a two week life cycle? Please take a look at Beth's Common Treatments FAQ located at the top of this forum. You can treat the fish with hyposalinity. The question is where to treat? You cannot treat the fish with the live rock and corals. You can try to "control" the parasites but it may not work. Please read Beth's FAQ and let us know what you would like to do.


Active Member
Yeah, I read through Beth's thread about it, but I didn't know what the best approach with my situation would be. Should I remove the coral and rocks and just do the hypo in-tank? But if I do that, what do I do about the mandarin? But, I guess I could just make sure to continuously hatch brine shrimp for it.
But then I also found this stuff called Ick Attack that is 100% natural (so it says) and completely reef safe (again, so it says). It does say that it is not as effective as other medication and I assume its because it does not use the same chemicals. Has anyone used it?