Ick, I think and I need reassurance/advice



I have started a new 75 gallon reef. I converted by 37 into a 75, so the bulk of my fish were well seasoned fish. I did purchase three fish that I q-tanked for three weeks. One died. It never had spots so I did not think it died of ick.
Last weekend I moved the two living fish into the display tank. A hawkfish and a neon goby. The hawk was in 24 hours and began to stratch. I moved him back into the q-tank. He is now in the q-tank and is not scratching nor has spots. He looks just fine.)
The goby who is not scratching appears to have several white spot. He is not breathing fast, he swims quite well, but is not eating very well. I think he got this from the stress of begin caught and moved! I tried for several hours but I can not catch him.
My fear is for my other fish. I moved my UV sterilizer from my other tank so I have two UV running. One a 15 watt and one a 9 watt. I have been feeding all of the fish garlic soaked food three times for over a month, already. I have two cleaner shrimp already in the tank. My water quality is excellent.
Any other ideas? I am just sick about this..............I thought I was being carefull. But I had a very difficut time catching the fish in the q-tank and I think I stressed him out!


Update for today..........the little goby is swimming around more than ever. He ate three pieces of brine shrimp which was soaked for 16 hours in garlic. Still not scratching and the nubmer of spots looked about the same. Everyone else in the tank appears spot free..................Please keep your fingers crossed and if you have any other advice, I can use it!


Do you have carbon running in your filter? If so, you might want to remove it for awhile.
Just a theory but, I do believe that some fish don't produce as much of a slime coat as other fish. When you add carbon to the filter it has a tendency to "strip" some of the slime coat off the fish, which then leads to the fish being more vulnerable to parasites or infections.


Staff member
Do you have a FO setup? Meaning no LR, LS or inverts. If so, perhaps you should begin a hyposalinity treatment.


Thank you for the ideas. I do not have carbon running. I ran a little the first two weeks of this new set-up because the tank was used and I used scratch remover prior to filling.
This is a full reef with SPS, LPS, clams, LR, LS, etc...........
I good news is that the little goby is swimming with the pack and eating very well. Still no scratching. He has three spot which still worry me. The other fish are doing well, none have developed spots or scratching. I have feed everyone garlic soaked food each day and the UVs are running..............
I am keeping my fingers crossed!!!!!!