Ick or Not Ick??

aquarius 1

In my 75 gallon FO, I have a serious outbreak of some type of parasite. At first I thought it to be ick so I began using garlic soaked flakes and I have dropped the SG to approximately 1.009. This was done 5 days ago and I can't say it is really isn't producing any results. The fish are still heavily covered in this parasite but instead of distinctive separate white dots, it seems that these spots are much smaller and it almost looks like a white dusting of snow. I think that the dusting is characeristic to Marine Velvet but if so how should I go about treating such a condition? My niger is covered with these parasites and it is taking quite a toll on my Koran. What should I do???


Staff member
If you are sure it is velvet then the treatment is copper. Did you add a new fish recently? Are the fish gilling rapidly? Usually velvet kills very rapidly! However, if you are not sure between velvet and ich, then you can still do the copper treatment, which is effective with both parasities.
Using copper sulfate treat at a level of no less than .15 ppm. Fish are safe up to a .25 ppm, so running the copper at a .20 to .25 ppm is good. Be sure to not let the copper level fall below .15 ppm, otherwise, it will not work and the problem will continue. Keep the fish under treatment for at least two weeks, but preferably 3 weeks. This helps to make sure there are no hidden cysts that may continue the life-cycle of the parasite following treatment. You MUST use a reliable cooper test kit that is compatible with the copper product you are using.
Check the labels of both the medication as well as the test kit to ensure compatibility. You MUST check copper levels daily [better 2X a day] to ensure that theraputic medication levels are maintained at all times.
Following treatment, use carbon filtration as well as water changes to restore your tank's water quality. Also know that, once you use copper in this tank, you can not safely put LR or inverts in the tank----ever.

aquarius 1

I've had ick before but these spots don't seem as defined as that or a traditional ick infection. They are very subtle and like I said I would call it a dusting rather than a sprinkle of salt. But really how can I be sure? My niger first came down with a significant outbreak of spots about 2 weeks ago which is when I first began dropping my salinity. But now the spots aren't so distinct and seem a little finer than they were before. My hippo too is covered in these fine spots. So what do you think I should do? Is copper really my only hope? I really want to save these fish! Especiially my Koran, she isn't looking too good right now...her color is beginning to fade out.


Staff member
I can not imagine velvet lasting this long without wiping out your tank. The reason I recommended copper is that it will treat either velvet or ich---since you're not sure.

aquarius 1

Lost the picasso today. I looked at the niger again and it is definitely white spot. But I'm almost positive that my SG is at 1.009. But I don't have the money for a refractometer. How big should I make this water change?


Staff member
What are you using, a swing arm? Get a glass hydrometer. They work fairly well.

aquarius 1

Well the Orange-Shoulder went on Wednesday...:( So I broke down and said the hell with hypo. and bought a copper set. I know I know, but I was losing patience and I couldn't bare to watch my Koran or Hippo get flushed! I have the remaining fish in a 20 gallon hospital tank and today is the first day of Red Sea Copper treatment. The directions say to keep it at 3.0 ppm for 10 days. Anything you'd like to suggest about using copper. I know you don't encourage it but I'm sure you understand where I"m coming from. I also plan to completely strip down my main tank and start from scratch again, that way there is no way of a possible refinestation of ick. Out of curiousity, why are you so against copper?


Aquarius - Sounds like I have the same thing. What did you end up treating with?? How did you fare?? Thanks!!


Terry - Thank you! I did read your posts and just now again. I think I must not have velvet since my fish are still alive and now it is looking more like ich since the parasite has had 24 hours to grow. I reduced salinity this evening from .023 (it was a little high due to evaporation), to .021 this evening. I hope my shrimp will be ok with that! I will move my shrimp in the morning to a new tank with water from the main tank. Then I will reduce salinity in the main tank more - little by little to .009 in 48 hours per JWTrojan in another thread. Should I freshwater dip my really badly infected fish to give them some relef in the mean time??


i had something like this in my tank for the last three weeks. one of my fish was covered in what looked like a dusting of white spots. he finally went last nite. But i do have one other fish in the tank who has no white spots what so ever is there anything i should do or do you think i can just leave him?


jjman - Sorry to hear you lost a fish!! You are new like me. I would post this question in it's own thread and see if you can get some advise.