Ick Problems?


I have problem with my hippo tank, its been rubbing itself on rocks. With white marks on him. I took it out of the tank and have put it inside the plastic bag that it came in. I added some ick meds.
Im using
Cure-ICK by Aquarium Products
Cures: ICK and Protozoan parasites
Whatelse should i DO? also any better way to cure my guys. I see my bi-color with some marks now.


Active Member
You are going to need a quarantine tank to medicate your fish. Odds are the fish is going to die in that bag. The bag has no water circulation and ammonia will build up very fast.
Also, I know of no meds that have reliable dosing for small a quantity of water.
For your QT tank you will need a heater, a powerhead, and something for the fish to hide in. You can buy a good 10 gallon tank for very cheap. Whatever you do, don't add the meds directly into your main tank.