Anyone who can help please do. I have a 50 Gal Reef setup about 8 weeks old. All was fine until the last 2 weeks, when I began losing fish. Today it was my yellow tang, earlier this week my strawberry basslett. I started setting up a QT at my forst loss because I suspected ICK. This tank has not yet cycled. I am down to a Forefish and a Six line Wrasse. The question is, if I can catch them out should I place them in the QT and let the show tank go fishless for 6 weeks? I am reasonably certain it is ICK , the Tang was showing that deaded salted look yesterday. I have 7 corals in my tank, 1 Power head , a protein skimmer and a HOB Empeoror Filter. My parameters are as follows Sal 1.027, Nitrite 0.0, Amon. 0.0, KH 10, Cal a bit high at 500. If there is anything else you need to know please let me know, The Firefish and Wrasse look healthy at this point , but I know its a matter of time, Please help if you can