ick-raise tank to 85-86??


This probably really gets beat to death but I've been told I could raise my tank to 86 for say as long as ten days then slowly lower say a degree per day back down to 78-76 to control ick. I'm afraid of doing dips - fresh water/or ParaGuard,etc. I also fight with myself not to use a hospital tank to avoid restress when put back in main tank. I'm thinking of changing my ways though and always putting new fish in a 10 gal for first 10 days no matter what. Any successes with raising the temps?? and not dipping?


Active Member
this is actually the recommendation of Terry (Shark) in his article about controlling ick. If your display tank is a FO tank with no live rock then slowly take the temp to 84-86 and keep there for at least three weeks.
Since you plan on using a 10 gal tank for a hosipital tank - the fish should be kept in the QT for at tleat three weeks as well. Ich can jestate for 28 days.