Well I noticed the purple tang has ick.
Here is my problem. I don't have a quarantine tank.
I know I should of set one up the same time I started my other tank.
My question is can blennies or gobies get ick.
I know it is in the water. I have 80 lbs of live rock and 60 lbs of live sand in the tank.
Please explain which fish are more prone to ick that I have.
lawnmower blenny
cinnamon clown
six-line wrasse
If I keep feeding them more garlic in their food along with vitamin supplements will this might stop my other fish from coming down with it.
Everyone is fine except I noticed a few spots tonight on the purple tang.
My power went out on Sunday and the temperature rose in the tank to 86 degrees. I feel that is where it came from.
I have done hypo in the past when I had a larger tank without live rock. I tried to stay away from tangs since they are more prone to get it. I should of never got the purple tang.
Could I please have some feedback on ick and my other fish if left
in the reef tank.

Here is my problem. I don't have a quarantine tank.
I know I should of set one up the same time I started my other tank.
My question is can blennies or gobies get ick.
I know it is in the water. I have 80 lbs of live rock and 60 lbs of live sand in the tank.
Please explain which fish are more prone to ick that I have.
lawnmower blenny
cinnamon clown
six-line wrasse
If I keep feeding them more garlic in their food along with vitamin supplements will this might stop my other fish from coming down with it.
Everyone is fine except I noticed a few spots tonight on the purple tang.
My power went out on Sunday and the temperature rose in the tank to 86 degrees. I feel that is where it came from.
I have done hypo in the past when I had a larger tank without live rock. I tried to stay away from tangs since they are more prone to get it. I should of never got the purple tang.
Could I please have some feedback on ick and my other fish if left
in the reef tank.