Ick Reef Tank.

Well I noticed the purple tang has ick.
Here is my problem. I don't have a quarantine tank.
I know I should of set one up the same time I started my other tank.
My question is can blennies or gobies get ick.
I know it is in the water. I have 80 lbs of live rock and 60 lbs of live sand in the tank.
Please explain which fish are more prone to ick that I have.
lawnmower blenny
cinnamon clown
six-line wrasse
If I keep feeding them more garlic in their food along with vitamin supplements will this might stop my other fish from coming down with it.
Everyone is fine except I noticed a few spots tonight on the purple tang.
My power went out on Sunday and the temperature rose in the tank to 86 degrees. I feel that is where it came from.
I have done hypo in the past when I had a larger tank without live rock. I tried to stay away from tangs since they are more prone to get it. I should of never got the purple tang.
Could I please have some feedback on ick and my other fish if left
in the reef tank.
Thanks for the information.
I have another question starfish are o'k in the reef, while I am doing hypo?
If you set up a hospital tank, do you use just r/o water that is not from the old tank? What about aged filter from the filter box into the new filter box.
How can you start a hospital tank for hypo without going through the horrible cycle.
I mean ammonia then nitrites etc.
Quite a bit stress on the fish.
When I did hypo before I used the existing tank which didn't have live rock in it just fish.
I guess I need help setting up a hospital tank for the fish for hypo that are in the reef. I hate to go through that again.
I really don't want to lose my blenny or clown etc to ick even if they are not showing any sign at all.
Feedback would be appreciated.
What about my manderin.
He won't survive without his pods.
Should I leave him in the reef if he is not showing any sign.
I know that will still leave a fish in the reef to carry ick.
Any suggestions??
Thanks for the feedback on the manderin.
If I moved him to a tank alone with enough live rock.
Then what do you do with the live rock after 3 weeks when he is introduced back in the reef tank.
In order to catch all of the fish it seems most of the rocks will be moved and the sand bed will be disrupted. That could lead too no more pods for awaile.
Right now he has 80 lbs of live rock to himself in the reef.
What about the lawnmower bleanie with his tough looking skin it doesn't seem he would be prone to get ick?


I would get a rubbermaid tub, a heater, powerhead and a bio wheel to put him in. Use old tank water and a prefilter that has some bacteria on it. Start running hypo. The other fish could be alright if not stressed. Only time will tell if they will get ick. Continue to feed garlic to your main tank to lessen the chance of the other guys getting sick. I would not hypo the main tank due to the live rock. He is going to be in the QT tank for a while. Ask someone who is more knowlegeable on how long it take for the ick to live without a host. If everything goes alright with the other fish and your tang is still alright only then it will be safe to add the tang back into your display tank.
I will get a 10 or 20 gal tank for my purple tang and start him in hypo.
I will leave the other fish in there until I see any ick.
I have another question do I use argonite sand that is not alive in the hospital tank.
What do you put on the bottom so the fish doesn't get so stressed out. Can I use some new sand that is not alive but safe for saltwater tanks? You know the tang they need room to swim and hide.
Can I use any of the water from the existing tank, since I will be doing a water change when I have to move some rocks to catch him. What about the cycle. If I use some water and some of the filter medium in the hospital tank from the reef will that stop it from going through it bad cycle?
Any feedback?


Active Member
The tang has no room in a 46 gallon either.....truth..sorry. NEVER treat a reef tank in my personal opinion..... another tank is a best bet as you seem to be thinking.....I'm going to send this to the folks here who deal with this daily....check over in the disease forum. Sorry for the troubles, and I hope it works out for you.


I have 3 large cleaners in my 125 and since that addition I have only used the HP for newcomers. I AGREE 110% with people stating cleaners is the way to go. You might have to treat them this time but the cleaners will prevent it from happening again. I picked up 3 for 18 bucks on the net...chemicals to kill ich....about 15 bucks...not bad price to stop it
Well I purchased a 20 gal set up for my hospital tank.
My reef tank only has inverts in it for the next month.
I put in the Purple Tang, Manderin, Lawnmower Blennie and Six-line Wrasse.
I have two power heads running with an outside filter.
I am still concerned about the Manderin making it. I purchased some blood worms heard that the movement of them sometimes the Manderin thinks it is alive.
I also heard about a frozen food on line for the Manderine called "Cyclop-eeze which is suppose to be frozen pods.
Wondering if anyone has heard about or used this product for their manderin?
I have another question on the hypo.
The tank now is 1.018 I brought in down over the last few hours from 1.022. Kept an eye on the ph.
Over what period of time should you take for the hypo to get down to 1.009. How much should you drop the salinity per water change along with how often should you do the water change without stressing out the fish?
Information would be appreciated.
I also have some base rock and a few pieces of live rock for the manderin along with dry marine sand I purchased from the aquarium store. I wanted the fish for the next few months to feel at home with the rock and sand.
I know it will die when the salinity drops.
I was wondering at what salinity does the live rock die?
Information would be appreciated.