Ick spots?


well i have 2 tomato clowns and wondering if they have ick, i just came back from a week away and i come home to see one tomato clown with a bottom white poofy lip and partial of the top and the other clown has a spot between its eyes and mouth that makes a perfect "nose" is this ick? if so what is the best way to treat it? i have never dealt with ick in saltwater, so i dont know what to do....its a reef tank with tons of inverts also:help:


Staff member
There is a picture in the FAQ Thread at the top of this forum with a pair of clowns with ich. Take a look at the pic and see if your fish is having that problem.
Are you fish new?


well one of the fish is, i added it a 2 a little over a week, but did **not** quarantine it because it was in a tank by its self at the lfs (i know extremely stupid) but anywaz now both my tomatoes have white faces, esp the lips. they are poofy and swelled. i thought it might be ich b/c i read that ich can be caused by stress and (i am trying to get a mated pair) but the new fish i think is a female, and with my old fish being female they aren't that good of friends, i was just waiting to see if they were establishing rules or who was the female or what. they will be nice and get along but then they will get mad and chase each other. so i thought they were stressed and got ich, i have been adding spring water for my top offs, could that be it?:confused: :notsure:


oh yea i went to that FAQ at the top of the board and to me it looks more like Brooklynella but just at the face, i will try to post a pic tommorow if i can get a good one:confused:


Staff member
Brooklynella you will rapid breathing, white film on body and then the film will start to peal off.
You need to see if you can find formalin at the LFS asap. Brook kills very rapidly.


no its not Brooklynella then b/c its just on the face part and its not peeling off and they aren't breathing hard. and if it was it would be hard for me to get to a lfs asap b/c i am only 16 the nearest lfs is an hour and a half away in a city (i live in the sticks, nothing is here) and mom and dad don't want me driving in the city just yet....well anywaz any other ideas on what it could be? mabey them just picking at each others face, i have seen them do that before, it looks like they are kissing lol