Ick to the Stars&stripes puffer


New Member
110g. fishtank with 2"stars and stripes that has 15 dots o' ick. I'm looking for a better option to help him. I've tried freshwater dip for bout' 45 sec., and also a No-Ick treatment yet these damn eggs won't fall off. Also a 40wt. U.V.;) is present. Other fish include a lil' diadema basslet, sixline wrasse, dejarsdini tang 3", firefish and the nicest 4.5 foot Zebra Moray eel. I've also heard a dip of 1.027-28 for a little while might work? The rest of the tank is perfect just need to clean up the puffer. Anyone got anything?


Staff member
Dips don't work. What are on the fish are parasites, not eggs. The best treatment is hyposalinity which you can get a wealth of info on by doing a search here.
Is your tank FO, or do you have LR? Hypo can not be done in a tank with LR, only FO. Do you have a QT?


New Member
Now I may only be 3 yrs. exp. in this hobby, and run things a lil' different than alotta people (the oxygen carrying capacity of the water tends to drop a bit at 5,000 ft., kinda like the air), but I do know the lil' white spots on the fish are EGGS. Thousands of ick babies (around 12000) on roughly a 4-6 hour hatching cycle, time is key! My Desardini tang is now beginning to get signs (fading and lacadasical) of illness. Ick is a disease that is present in each and everyone's tank here. It only gets brought out in a time of stress (fighting, NH4 NO3 rises, severe temp. changes are just a few). I'm not tring to be an ass or anything Beth like i say i'm new. What, by the way, do FO & LR mean? I and alot of my customers have tried Quarentine tanks (QT, right?) with suprisingly poor results. Lots of clouded eyes and ick, Amm. rises within the two 1/2 to three week time and shtuff gets funky. Dip and drop has worked so well (straight to the tank, no acclamation, why add to the stress going from this water for three weeks and then start it all again when you put him in the "show" tank (dif. levels, dif. establishment times, totally dif. tanks=STRESS) Thank you for your help, please write again.


New Member
thank you sir, i will learn. So how does this hypo. work exactly, the steps. And how does the quarentined fish acclamate safely to the tank fromQT. Is he not being acclamated again, same change of chemisties and environments as the first time, why will any given fish fair better off by swimmin' around in circles in a 20 gal. aquarium that has a realatively rough bacteria bed compared to the main tank. I don't mix my Reef and fish. Just buy two tanks, be able to treat your fish if needed and your not tearing up a reef to catch one bad tang or wrasse or something. I know copper treatments, 1-2ml a day til' .15 level, hold there for thirty days then back off,right, it's worked 20 times before i just really wanna experiment w/ something dif. If you could bro, specif. hyposalinity directions would be sweet. FISH RULE!