Hi everyone,
I have noticed my two perc. clowns and catilina golby with small white spots on there bodies about 7 days ago. I decided to start giving them garlic with there meals to help build up their immune systems so they can try fighting ick on there own, but now there are more spots. The spots on the golby are more visible, the spots are thicker and are just around the fins. As for the clowns it is so hard to see. The spots are tiny, but when the lights hit them just right you can see it. I have a 55 gal w/ the fish listed above along with a small yelllow tang, a small B&W banner fish, 1 blue yellow tail damsel, and hemit crabs and snails. My tank has been fully cycled and up and running for little over 2 months now. The two clowns were the first fish added about 2 months ago, I used them to help cycle the tank. The YT, golby, and damsel were added a month after the clowns. Lastly, I added the banner fish 3 weeks later, he has been in the tank for 2 weeks. As for the three fish I have noticed with the ick, I put them in my 10 gal QT and added some ick medication to the tank. The fish look healthy all of the fish sill show signs of a hardy appitite. I just noticed that my YT is scratching on things in the tank is that a sign of ick? Because of his color I can't see any spots. Should I put all of fish in the QT to be treated? There are no signs of ick on the other fish other than scratching by the YT. I would like to treat the display tank for ick but I have inverts, what should I do? I was reading the faq post on top about hyposalinity and wanted to try it to rid my tank of ick safely. Here is my problem, i only have a 10 gal QT tank if I add my
3 inch YT and 3-1/2 inch banner along with the other fish it would be over crowded for the 4-6 weeks I have to treat them.
So I would probably keep the two biggest fish in the display tank and use Hyposality, but i would have to take out the inverts and place them in something for 4 weeks. Do you think they can survive in 1 gal aquarium for that long. I had my one gal for my betas I had in the past.
My 55 gal readings are
I have noticed my two perc. clowns and catilina golby with small white spots on there bodies about 7 days ago. I decided to start giving them garlic with there meals to help build up their immune systems so they can try fighting ick on there own, but now there are more spots. The spots on the golby are more visible, the spots are thicker and are just around the fins. As for the clowns it is so hard to see. The spots are tiny, but when the lights hit them just right you can see it. I have a 55 gal w/ the fish listed above along with a small yelllow tang, a small B&W banner fish, 1 blue yellow tail damsel, and hemit crabs and snails. My tank has been fully cycled and up and running for little over 2 months now. The two clowns were the first fish added about 2 months ago, I used them to help cycle the tank. The YT, golby, and damsel were added a month after the clowns. Lastly, I added the banner fish 3 weeks later, he has been in the tank for 2 weeks. As for the three fish I have noticed with the ick, I put them in my 10 gal QT and added some ick medication to the tank. The fish look healthy all of the fish sill show signs of a hardy appitite. I just noticed that my YT is scratching on things in the tank is that a sign of ick? Because of his color I can't see any spots. Should I put all of fish in the QT to be treated? There are no signs of ick on the other fish other than scratching by the YT. I would like to treat the display tank for ick but I have inverts, what should I do? I was reading the faq post on top about hyposalinity and wanted to try it to rid my tank of ick safely. Here is my problem, i only have a 10 gal QT tank if I add my
3 inch YT and 3-1/2 inch banner along with the other fish it would be over crowded for the 4-6 weeks I have to treat them.
So I would probably keep the two biggest fish in the display tank and use Hyposality, but i would have to take out the inverts and place them in something for 4 weeks. Do you think they can survive in 1 gal aquarium for that long. I had my one gal for my betas I had in the past.
My 55 gal readings are