Ick Treatment


New Member
My damsels have ick and i cant use medication to cure it because i have live corals and inverts. i was wondering how would you cure it. and will the ick parasites always be in my tank even if ick isnt present on the fish.


Active Member
the only way your going to rid the main tank from paresites is to remove all of its hosts and let the tank remain fishless for 4-6 weeks. ther are a few options you can us to treat the ich on your fish.if you cannot remove all of your and quarentine which is the best recomendation to do so.you can try kick ich to rid your fish of the parestite its safe for corals and in verts.btw hypo is not safe for either.kick ich is also not 100% effective in erratication the tank from the paresite it does tend to lessen the outbreak.I prefer the quarentine method and using coppersafe 1 time dose wih chelated copper.but there are other brands I just prefer this one and have had very good luck with it in the past.copper treatment is the only known 100% cure.hypo is an option in a quarentine tank for you if you want to go that route.I prefer not to myself if you have already removed your fish from the tank you have already stressed them why double the stress by dropping sg.when i do set up a quarentine I take the water from the main tank so no acclimation time is needed put a filter system on the quarentine, yes even carbon.dose with coppersafe.treat for 4-6 weeks.coppersafe is the only brand that states can be used with and not effected by the use of carbon filter packs.and can be purchased at any pet supply store.


kick ich it is reef safe. i have used it and had great sucsess. I keep a bottel on hand just in case some new fish brings it back into the tank.