ick water


If it is ick, then you will need to put your fish in a hospital tank and treat them there, or use the garlic method.
Ick will remain in the tank for several weeks, without a host, and then die. There are many posts on the forum about ick. Just do a search, I thought I read one within the past 2 days.
Try this <a href="https://www.saltwaterfish.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=12&t=009066" target="_blank">Ick thread</a>


getting your fish out of the tank for 30 days will kill off the ich in your tank but you will also need to address the problem which caused the ich in the first place, what is stressing your fish? Otherwise as soon as you put the same fish back into the same tank and system they will stress again and develope another case of ich. Your profile states a 26 gal tank what fish do you have in it and what filtration?