My hippo tang and porcupine puffer had ICK(white spot). I Started ttreatment March 21st. The ICK went away about 3 days later on the hippo not the puffer. 2 day later my puffer amd my 2 pearlscale butterflies started to get cloudy eyes and white fuzzy stuff all over them. I went to my fish guy and he told me to keep treating them ( I am using kent RX-p) he said sometimes the the treatment brings out the disease in the fish but as long as I keep treating they should be fine. I also did a water chnge during this about 15%. Next day I find my 2 butterflies, puffer, hippo tang and clown all floating. I am very upset. I guess my question is should I have stopped treating my fish or should i keep going until april 1st. And also did this happen to anybody else.
My hippo tang and porcupine puffer had ICK(white spot). I Started ttreatment March 21st. The ICK went away about 3 days later on the hippo not the puffer. 2 day later my puffer amd my 2 pearlscale butterflies started to get cloudy eyes and white fuzzy stuff all over them. I went to my fish guy and he told me to keep treating them ( I am using kent RX-p) he said sometimes the the treatment brings out the disease in the fish but as long as I keep treating they should be fine. I also did a water chnge during this about 15%. Next day I find my 2 butterflies, puffer, hippo tang and clown all floating. I am very upset. I guess my question is should I have stopped treating my fish or should i keep going until april 1st. And also did this happen to anybody else.