

My hippo tang and porcupine puffer had ICK(white spot). I Started ttreatment March 21st. The ICK went away about 3 days later on the hippo not the puffer. 2 day later my puffer amd my 2 pearlscale butterflies started to get cloudy eyes and white fuzzy stuff all over them. I went to my fish guy and he told me to keep treating them ( I am using kent RX-p) he said sometimes the the treatment brings out the disease in the fish but as long as I keep treating they should be fine. I also did a water chnge during this about 15%. Next day I find my 2 butterflies, puffer, hippo tang and clown all floating. I am very upset. I guess my question is should I have stopped treating my fish or should i keep going until april 1st. And also did this happen to anybody else.


Staff member
The guy at the LFS is full of it. Of course, continue to treat any fish that are still alive, but not with that worthless med you have been using.
Please take a look at the FAQ thread which details the most viable treatment for ich--Hyposalinity. If your remaining fish have a white film, also treat with Maracyn Two for Saltwaterfish.