


I bought a blue hippo tang on 3-25-04. Tonight (3-30-04) I noticed little white spots on it which I am assuming to be ich and matches the pictures in Terry's article.
Also in the tank is some live rock, 2 cleaner shrimp, 1 fire shrimp, 3 mexican turbo snails and 2 true percula clowns.
Has the ick cycle gone far enough that the other fish will be infected or can I move just the tang to a QT (yes I know I should have done this anyways, but I didn't and know better now) and treat with hypo?
If cycle has gone far enough to infect others, can I move LR and inverts to QT and treat main tank?
All I have for a QT is a 10gal tank and heater, which is why I didn't put the tang in a QT in the first place. (I just bought a wet/dry filter for the main tank and am waiting for a cycle before I move the bio filter to the QT)
Please help ASAP, thanks.


Active Member

Originally posted by wvhillbill
Has the ick cycle gone far enough that the other fish will be infected or can I move just the tang to a QT and treat with hypo?

You have to assume that the rest of the fish are infected also.
If cycle has gone far enough to infect others, can I move LR and inverts to QT and treat main tank?

Yes, if you have a lot of fish, this is the way to go with a small QT. Take some substrate also; many of the beneficial worms in your substrate will die off and will come back faster if you add these back.