

New Member
I need some help
I have a 72Bow with built in surface skimmer/filter attached to wet dry w/ bio Balls size 150 gal. w/ in sump protein skim
600gph Tank up and running for 2 mo 65 lbs LR/sand. Chemistry as follows sp grav. 1.024
Alk N
Amonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 10
Last week I noticed what i thought were snail eggs on glass lasted about a week then disapeared.My powder Blue Tang and my Gold rim Tang now appear to have Ick the gold rim is worse he does not seem sick at all but has whit acne all over the blue a little less.
the tangs powder blue ,gold rim, nasso, and yellow all added at same time. the tank is stocked with snails and other cleaner inverts
brittle stars 2,emrald crabs 4, sally light foot crab, mex turbos 2 clowns 2 small rock annonemes 2 feather dusters. All set up and recomended by local fish supply.
Tangs were all added same time to prevent stress problems.
Now my problem is how to treat this I have read the recomendations but what about the the main tank will the ICK go away on its on with the other inverts in there and the live rock. I am guessing this must have came with the tangs.
The problem did not really appear until I added my weekly Kalkwasser/Strontium/calcium/iodine which i add weekly 1ml per 10 gal weekly.
I would appreciate your recomendations on how to proceed.
i have a 10 gal that i could set up as a quartine but is not really big enough.