

Is it a good idea to use Hyposalinity with all new fish, to prevent ick or is quarantine is enough?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jzuse
Is it a good idea to use Hyposalinity with all new fish, to prevent ick or is quarantine is enough?
hypo is def not the solution to treating new fish in a qt.remember stress causes ich.hypo can also cause stress acclimating new fish to a new tank is also very stressfull.if you start you new fish in a quarentine tank to begin with you mat has well go ahead and use preventative measures if your worried about a case of ich arizing.I dose my tanks with melafix each time I add new fish either in a qt or the main tank.melafix does not cure ich it reduces stress and adds a slime coat to help reduce the chances of an outbreak.treatnent time for new tank inhabitents is 3 days if you notice signs of no appetite cloudy eyes ect you can dose for 7 days to make sure it does not have a fungal or bacterial infection.melafix is all natural product it will not harm inverts fish or corals.even if you have qt your new fish the day you add it to your main add a small dose of melafix it will reduce the stress of all of the fish and make him feel more at ease ,calms exited fish in my experience