

I have been using RidIck for the past 2 weeks in my hospital tank and my clown and damsel still have ick. I went to my local petstore and was told to buy a cleaner wrasse and that would cure the ick in no time.
The petstore warned me that the cleaner fish would die when it was done.
Is this really my last option? My poor damsel is a black domino and his black has really faded with ragged looking fins.... although he is still very hearty.
I have also done 2 four minute fresh water baths.


Active Member
The rid ich won't work, as you're noticing. The cleaner wrasse won't fix the problem either and the lfs gave you bad advice here. Look at the FAQ's in the top of this forum regarding hyposalinity and copper treatments.
Ich is treatable but you have to do it correctly. The fact that you have a hospital tank is a plus. You could start hyposalinity today. The fading and ragged fins are not uncommon. The fish could likely have a secondary bacterial infection, also treatable.


I wouldn't trust much from a store that sold you Rid Ich and tried to sell you a fish that will die. As nicetry mentioned, hyposalinity will take care of this. Do you have a refractometer? Read Beth's Common Treatments FAQ for info on it. Copper is another possibility. They both take the same amount of time. Copper can be lethal if over dosed.