Originally Posted by Shyfish
Don't remove your fish even if it is ick. This is not a freshwater tank.
Ick is always in a saltwater aquarium. When your fish are stressed they become suseptable to the disease. Chasing your fish around to catch him will not only stress it further but all his tank mates too.
Most times turning your heat up just a little to say 82 will get rid of ick on saltwater fish. A healthy fish will combate the disease without needing any more treatment.
I understand some shrimps will actually clean the ick off a fish. I don't know much about that because I don't keep shrimp. Personal preferance, I don't like them.
If your tank and all the fish should be totaly in trouble. Turn up the heat to 82, remove carbon from any filtering system and purchase medicine that is Okay to use with saltwater fish and invertabrates. It will say will not harm coral. It doesn't, but it sure will stress them for days and weeks, so don't use such a thing unless absolutly necessary. Or place the coral in the QT tank to dose your fish, it won't hurt inverts. Never use meds unless you gotta.
I personaly just toss in frozen cubes for my fish, they like to tear it apart. However properly you should use a plastic cup...scoop a small amount of tank water... drop the cube in and let it melt, then pour it back into the tank to feed your fish frozen food.
If your clowns are not used to being fed a cube still frozen, it may have stressed him a little to be exposed to the chill. He is healthy and got over it quick.
Hope this helps.
frozen cubes of what?
i think what im reading online and people say here is primarily get your water quality sorted and get garlic into the diet to build fishes immunity. there seems to be the school of nuking ich and the school of managing it and id prefer to manage. the peeps i bought the lemonpeel from say a qt tank will likely stress the fish to death and if not any copper meds certainly would. it sounds like treating the entire tank with less intensive methods would be best. and it seems like something i should be doing anyway. good water quality, get the immune system up, happy fish = healthy fish.