

Active Member
just got an ick outbreak on my sailfin. Im using greenex right now because of my inverts. is there anything else i can do?


you don't want to use copper in your main tank anyway right? not with live rock? am i reading it wrong?


Active Member
jeffandnance: I dont care how many other ick posts there are. This is a public forum and if I want to post about ick in my tank i'll do just that. If you dont want to read it, then dont click the topic.
to anthem: Heres the problem, i dont have a spare tank right now to use for a hospital tank. does greenex work at all? Or is it a waste of time? Also, i've got a skilter 250 as my filter....does the skilter cartridge have activated carbon in it? ...if yes, does that mean i need to take the cartridge out when i dose greenex?
Im going to soak some seaweed strips in garlic now and fed him that, hopefully in a few days something will help.


i agree with anthem. to use greenex or other "reef safe" treatments is a waste of effort. i find it better to leave things alone and usually my fish rid of the ich after i leave the tank alone, which is usually what triggers the ich in the first place, something i did. be careful with fish that have ich cause you can stress them with treatments and make matters worse. the only fish i lost was my gramma that i lost during quarantine dips and i rushed the acclimation process too much. take your time, and if you set up a hospital tank plan to keep the sick fish there for a while. spend the extra cheese and do it right.


Active Member
Id love to let it go and hope that it goes away but the fish that has ick...i dont want it anymore. Changed my mind about wanting him, but cant bring him in for exchange until ick is gone.


then plan to put it in quarantine with some copper treatments, or paraguard, for a full 30 days. leave the fish in the quarantine tank the whole time. get a cheap hang on filter with no carbon, a heater, and you can use some water from your main tank and just leave the sick fish in there. when it gets better in 30 days, take it back. thats all you can really do. good luck