

Ok, ok, ok. I know everyone has heard tales of ick and advised on it...so it's my turn.
I put a new fish in the tank one week ago. There was a "power" struggle between this fish and my clown...who will be king of the tank. What has happened is, the clown now shows signs of ick. I have quarantined him in a different qt tank...however, I CANNOT QT all my fish. Any suggestions...and if this is stress induced, like I believe it is, should i intro the clown back in the tank after a couple of weeks??
Thanks...and btw, never had a ick prob w/ saltwater fish. Now fresh, all i did was add marine salt to cure it, cause additives are BAD BAD BAD for seals on tanks. Any 'home' remedies ya'll know of?


Staff member
If you have strictly a FO set up, you can treat all the fish in the main tank using hyposalinity.
FO, meaning no LR or inverts.


Thank you beth for the info. This may sound like a stupid question, however, there is no stupid question if I really do not know...for sure. I have emerald crabs in my tank. Should I take them out...or...would it be ok to leave them in. Thank you again, and I am working on lowering the sg in the tank as I type.


Active Member
Take out any inverts you might have in your tank. Inverts can't live in low salinity like fish can. They are very sensitive to water conditions and salinity.