

New Member
It is it possible to have a minor case of ick? Can a couple of cleaner shrimp and neon gobies keep it under control?
Reason I asked is this morning one of my Yellowtail Damsels had about 20 or 30 white specks(looked like grains of salt), 2 hours later the white specs were gone. Nothing on other fish. I do have a couple of cleaner shrimp and neon gobies that service my Yellow Tang all day long.
Not sure what I had or have is Ick? Everything else seem fine.


Active Member
oh man, ick has not gone it will come back.
Read some other threads, particularly the one mentioned above.
I think if Beth sees this we should have an Ick FAQ as a sticky which people can read first.......im no where near skilled enough for such a thing, but if you know anyone with time to burn :D