
ok, now getting a little on the pissed side, we were fixing one of our power heads and noticed little white spots on two of our fish, could it be ick? if so i will be very pissed off, just got everything set up and lookin nice and now this. how do you treat the fish in your tank? is hypo ok for a reef tank? if so how long do i do it for? and will my corols live through it? with how much rock we have in there, it will be VERY hard to get any fish out of there without emptying the tank of all the water too. anyone got any tips or can tell me what to do? TIA


mostlikely it is ick. honestly, i dont know how anyone can catch a fish, with a tank full of lr. i will have to remove most of my lr and end up digging up stiring up the sand, then end up with a spike in water levels.


I have only fish, no LR, no inverts or coral. My yellow tang
got ick and I treated it powder liquid. It went away within
a week. I am not sure if the powder can be used on LR or other
The best thing is to move the fish to the Q-Tank and treat it
there until the ick goes away.
It is a pain in the neck to get the fish out.
Good luck


Staff member
You can not effectively treat fish for anything in a reef tank.
QT fish before they go into the main tank to avoid getting pissed.
See the FAQ Thread at the top of this forum for info on QT as well as hyposalinity.
i know i need to set up a QT tank, and am going to in a week or so, but untill then the LFS told me that having 2 cleaner shrimp should help alot. the fish only have a few spots, and the coral beauty has about 15 or 20 at most, they also said that having a neon goby might help, but most fish dont know what they are for, so wont let them get it off them. they also said to try a cleaner wrasse, but said it could die after the ick is gone due to lack of food. one thing the guy said he could do is, i buy the cleaner wrasse, and when the ick is gone, he would take it back, but i would lose my money on it, but would it get rid of the ick or would it not even help. before anyone says not to, just remember, i can take him back after word and he will live that way. TIA


Staff member
It is hit or miss. They might go right to work on the ich on the fish, or they may not. They are animals, and therefore unpredictable. And, sometimes fish will not allow shrimp to pick at them. You can try it if you want the shrimp anyway.