ID a Wierd Critter?? Help!!!


New Member
I got home from work today and found an new SOMETHING comming out of my live rock. Basically it looks like 20 or so white strings about the diameter of sewing thread. The strings are up to 6 inches long and seem to have spots (or are they stripes) ever 3/4 of an inch or so. They all are comming out of the same hole in my rock so I'm gonna guess that they are part of the same critter (anemone maybe??). Seems like the fish in the tank (coral beauty angel, yellow striped maroon clown and a firefish) are avioding the threads. The tank is a 55 gal with 60lbs or so of live rock and has been set up since January. Other than some bumble bee and Narciisius snails I added about a week ago there have been no new additions to the tank and I haven seen any new life in months. Sorry for being a bit long winded but I wanted to be as descriptive as possible. Anyway what the heck should I do with this thing??? HELLLLPPPP!!! LOL


Active Member
Well it could be a vermatid snail. Some of the larger one will have many strands out at once. Vermatids are sessile snails that live in tubes and catch food with strands of fine mucus that are usually hard to see unless someting to eat has stuck to it.
Would you be able to get a pic?


there is also a worm that bores into liverock and uses the tenticals to catch food pods fish food or what ever they can get


I think they are called spaghetti worms or Medusa worms, I have a few that sound just like yours.