
This stuff came on a rock with green star polyps as one little strand and I thought nothing of it and now it is everywhere. If anyone knows what it is and hopefully how to get rid of it I would appreciate any and all thoughts and advice. I can not pull it off the rocks because of the root structure. It spreads like wild fire. As you can see it has taken over both my GSR's and polyps. Thanks for any knowledge.



Active Member
Maybe Myrionema amboinensis If so, They are very strong hydroids. Dont touch them and google and goodluck.


Active Member
Nope, Everything I have found on them is theres no known pretetors other than perhaps some limpets.....Manually remove....Is that/this what they are??? Did you google anything on them ?


yes that is exactly what they are! I did google them, but found no easy way to eliminate them. What are limpets? where can I get them? and are they reef safe? I've also found that a rare nudibranch maybe is out there just hard to find anyone have any idea?


Try to find the smallest syringe you can get (several ml) with a very fine needle (

has them). Fill it with lemon juice (best source is from those plastic lemons at the grocery store). Inject the base of the organism quickly! It will probably try to shrink back. Try this on several organisms at a time, but don’t do too many at once. Your pH should not be affected by the juice, unless you do a whole lot all at one time. No guarantees on effectiveness since I’ve never encountered this species before, but it is completely safe and easy to do.