ID and help


Active Member
Can you help me ID this coral. The LFS said it was candy cane.
I read up on it and this site says it needs strong light and strong flow.
Another reference says medium light and indirect flow.
So who is right? Also, how often should I feed it?



Active Member
Thanks. That is the same info that I referenced above. It says bright light and good flow. A book that I have lists this coral as needing moderate light and indirect flow.
Also, It has not opened since I put it in the tank yestersday. Is that normal?


Active Member
they can tolerate almost any light except swuper bright if properly acclimated, but they need low flow, high flow will damage them. IMO they do best in medium light, or heavy actinic. I think heavy actinic feels less harsh but still promotes good photosynthesis, the species originates from highly turbid waters so mostly blue spectrum reaches them in nature.


with calustera or candy canes it depends on the species the ones you have like reefkeepers says can tolerate alot of diffrent lighting and flows some like one of mine which i can post pics of later are string light and flow. they will only send out feeders tenticals when food is present I have to entice mine out with a turkey baster full of the water the brine or mysis was thawed in and wait till the tenticals are out to feed it.


Active Member
Here are today's pics. The coral is in the top half of my tank under T5 lighting with Actinics and 10k bulbs.
Does it look open to you? Also, when should I expect feeder tenticles to come out (and can you post a pic of that???). I tried to spot feed last night and nothing happened.
