ID fi you can

Last night I noticed something. I have a turbo snail (Trochus to be exact), well just the shell, (the snails gone) in my tank. I saw one of the bumps on the snail move. Like something inside the shell broke the shell, moves the piece out of the way splits it in half and does this sweeping action in the middle of the split. Picture repeatedly moving your tongue from one side to the other between your lips (I know, weird comparison but thats what it reminds me of). The bump is oval shape and about the size of this guy
and the piece of shell that moves is about the size of his teeth.
I could take a pic later to show but I don't think it would do any justice. Video would be better.
Anybody have a clue?? :thinking:
I have a Nikon Coolpix 5600 digital camera. I might take a short video of it ***)
when I get home from work. Someone have any ideas on posting a link.

We'll have to see how it turns out... :notsure: this thing's really small. It's kinda hard to see with my own eye's.