ID help please


New Member
I picked up a few pieces of coral last week and was given this lil' guy as a freebie. I was wondering if anyone could ID it. I have searched around a bit and have not seen anything that resembles it. Thanks in advance..


Active Member
I took a leather finger coral off a rock that it got stuck tooand the little chunk that was left on the rock ,I thought would die. It has started to grow,its slightly bumpy just like yours,same color too.Maybe its that.Maybe try to also get aliitle clearer and closer pic


Active Member
Originally Posted by RoachBug
My digi-camera stinks! Best picture I can get is below...

some sort of encrustion monti or maybe a acro of some sort. if it is a acro it will be VERY hard to ID until it grows tips. IMO its just an encrusting monti. med to high lighting.


Active Member
Originally Posted by NateP206
maybe a closed shroom thats what it looks like to me
that is one thing i can 100% asure you it is not.