ID Help plzzz... Featherduster?


This may be I apologize in advance if you've read/saw this somewhere else..
plus I got my digital camera you cant blame me for wanting to play with it and post pics...right? lol...
anyway...I got a herd of these sprouting up on my LR. Are they fan worms..or featherdusters? or...what..


New Member
I believe it is an algae - although I'm a relative newbie so I can't tell you what kind. I had them in my tank - until I added the cleaning crew which promptly ate them.


thnx. my cleanup crew hasnt touched them yet. But they are busy getting fat on all the hair algea that was growing.
I posted this same question on another board and was told it is Neomeris annullata. Its a type of algea that will eventually shrivle up and turn fan-shaped. Said to be common in new tanks. Which mine is at only 5 months old. I've got all kinds of wierd stuff growing now... very cool.


Active Member
looks like a tube worm that makes calcium based tubes, very common hitch hikers. The tube looks like it has just been covered with algae.


It is algea. I have it too..grows right where my mushrooms grow. I am curious to what it looks like 2 years from now, I have had mine for 1 year now. dosen't seem to get bigger but just longer.


my new camera is a Canon a70. Got it on ----, brand new with a free 128MB flash memory card. I saved about $70 over buying it at bestbuy. If your looking at cameras...---- has some sweet deals, if you do your homework, and watch the bidding.