ID help


New Member
Hi knowledgable folks. I have been changing my cc bed in my 55 gallon tank to sand. I did half last Saturday, all critters have survived the sandstorm. (All those tricks I have been reading on here were not that Any way, when the dust settled, I found an object about the size and shape of a large kidney bean that is kinda squishy on the bottom. It seems to move at one end like it is autotrophic. Tonight, my green brittle star had an arm wrapped around it and then let go. Any ideas? Should I just throw it out? The original critters are a banded coral shrimp, cleaner shrimp, feather duster (he still is in his tube), an emerald crab and various snails. Some 'shrooms and sun polyps. Oh yeah, 2 yellow-tail damsels. All occupants accounted for. :confused: Thanks.


Active Member
eat any chilli around the tank lately? Just joking...i have no idea,....but a bump nonetheless


New Member
update..the thing is now almost verticle and it looks like there are tiny white polyps on top..I need a magnifying glass to confirm that.