Id Me!!


This thing is about 1 inch long and looks like it wants to hatch!!! I can't get a better picture, most turn out blurry with this thing. Tank's been up for 2 weeks and noticed this a couple days ago. At one time it had an orange ball hanging from it. Its all white right now.


Does this look normal on the sand? Its deep purple with a couple green spots. The purple stuff has has little pointy things on it. The stuffs all over the rock as well. Don't know if its coraline or not..... On the rock bubbles are present.


Looks like you've got some red slime algae... I had a problem with that too. You can buy this stuff called chemi-clean that will get rid of it. Supposedly it goes away on its own though. I didn't want to wait around for that though so I bought the stuff and it was gone in no time.


I would not add any uneeded chemicals to my tank. Get rid of the source instead of treating the problem. phosphates, nitrates are your culprit.


Yeah, the guy at my store here didn't bother to tell me what the source even was, if he even knew. The choice of stores in this town are very limited and the workers don't seem to know a whole lot about what they are doing (most but not all). I would agree, get rid of the source before doing a quick fix. No clue what that first thing is, the picture is way too blurry.


Active Member
Red slime. I didnt use chemicals and its starting to go away.. I just suctioned it out of the tank daily. I had it bad too! I was coating my plants in the refugium..


Do you guys think its too soon to add plants to the fuge. Its been up for a little over 2 weeks and nitrites and ammonia are close to 0.
With the white thing in the tank, should I act like it may be a coral or something and move the rock so its closer to the lights?


I got a huge turbo snail and he's already started to down the red stuff.
Any ideas about the whit thing? Should i turn the rock so that it is closer to the lighting in case it is a coral. It is currently pointing at the bottom of the tank. It looks like it has little tiny orange spots trying to develop. But it is mainly pure white. The base is real smooth and the other half looks like little round things that are harder than the base.
Any ideas?


Casino Bob....
I have several of those white things and my LFS (who knows if this is correct) told me they were harmless. I have just left them alone and they haven't moved or multiplied.....