id my zoa please


Well-Known Member
pics blurry can u get a clearer one plz!
im gonna say they are light green in the middle, blue mouths, and brown skirts right?

coral guy

their galatic nebula do you know how much there worth Jerth?


Active Member
...... Back in 09 when I picked them up, I paid $26 and I think they had 8 polyps. I don't know the current going price... really depends on demand of them where you are selling them. Just like any product...... sorry to not know more..... I lost my zoa drive in 10'........


Well-Known Member
the dingdang pe and other pe are kinda in right now u could say!
the not so LFS sells em for like $35 for bout 4-5 polyps but as jerth said that just where i live so idk bout the rest of u.s.

coral guy

not sure if u guys can see but in my pic there is another zoa i think its a morph of the nebulas but not sure it has a brown ring and a greenishblue mouth

coral guy

do u see the zoas that have a green mouth under my wrasse those are the ones right on the edge of the rock those are the ones
