id on a crab please.


New Member
nss11110 asked me about it a few days ago, until then i never cared, but now i'd like to know what it is.
This crab hichicked on a piece of green lr before last summer.
he has purple and white legs...body size b/w nickle and a penny...body purple and light purple splated, black pincher claws, he's molted...i found a claw. he's a sideways walker.
can't get a pic right now, webcam not set up. he does not look like any of the crab that has.
he's a trooper i'll give him that...he's never been aclamated since we didn't know he was there....and when we moved the lr to the other tank we forgot about him...he survided outside the water while sinner was trying to get him out(this was a year ago) his rock was thrown on the floor...
Mostly he hangs out in the barnicals, but the other night he was out eatting off the piece of lr he came on. i put my hand in the tank to feed him (and the other inverts) shrimp, he took it out of my hand, didn't run away just sat there.
the light were still on when he was out.
Thanks! have a great weekend.


i found a possible id on your crab. its a blue crab, live from western atlantic to the carribean. it eat bivalves, crustains, fish, plants, annelids, detritus, and anything else it can. couldnt find a max size but they do get eaten by us. lives about 3-8 years. lower end of that in the wild because of fishing or should i say crabbing. site was <a href="" target="_blank"></a> its sounds like it