ID on snails from Florida?


I recently went to Florida... while I was there I went snorkeling around the beach areas. I brought back some wierd snails that stay buried under the sand all day. When they come out of the sand(at night) they have a relativly HUGE body compared to their shells. I wish I could take a pic and show you guys but I dont have a camera. I got these from the beaches at Destin, FL. Any ideas as to what these little snails are??


I snorkle and dive a lot where I live and I am not really sure what you are talking about. Can you describe them more?


The snails have this long tube that comes out of it for when its buried in the sand(about 1.5in). The snails body is a tan color with brown spots all over it. Im gonna look for it on the net and try find something that looks simallar..


I described the body of the snail in the previous post, the shell looks like that of a "conus gaugauni" with a light brown color instead of the red. Well.. since this is pretty hard to get an accurate ID, any tips as to how to care for these mysterious snails? I think they may be filter feeders since they have that tube?? Or maybe they eat algae?? I have no clue as to how to care for them but they are alive and well in my tank for now... Any suggestions are HIGHLY welcomed. :D


Kev, did you ever get any pics? It sounds like what a friend just gave me. Any more info?????


Active Member
do they have eyestalks on either side of the tube? i agree with drdrew that your description and their behavior is similar to that of a florida fighting conch. or some kind of conch anyhow.
good luck


Is the tube thing look like a snorkel while the snail is buried? I don't know what the proper name is but I am from Florida and the LFS here sell olive snails. These snails stayed buried all the time (not sure about at night) and feed on detrius (sp.) and excess food. Good for keeping your DSB stirred up. Their shell is football shaped and smooth with white and brown/tan markings. Their body more resembles a slug when out of the shell and they move rather quickly (for a snail that is). Don't know if that is it but hope that at least helps you narrow it down.


Active Member
I know exactly what snails you are talking about. I snorkel a lot around the Destin area and these things are everywhere in the sand. Their shells are some-what cone shaped. I assume they would do good in stirring up your dsb. All the ones I've seen were in relatively shallow water (15' and less.) They are good looking snails if you ever see them. I'm sure they will eat detritus, etc. Maybe some algea too. Bo


What you guys last described sounds like whats in my tank. So far, its still alive. All it does is stay buried all day, and occasionally i'll get to see it at night. Thx for the replys and wish me luck with it.. :D

bang guy

If the siphon is used for breathing as you suggested then it's probably some type of Whelk. The vast majority of Whelks are predatory. Eating clams, snails, even fish all depending on the specie. A few are reef safe, these include Nassarius which only eat carrion. If you can get a picture then an rough Id might be possible until then I suggest you keep an eye for open for their nocturnal eating habits.


I got mine last night. It quickly burried itself under the CC, and hasn't moved since. My tank's only been set up 2 mos, so I doubt there's too much food in there. I guess if it doesn't start moving, I'll have to see if it's still alive.


If it is indeed an olive snail they are reef safe and great additions to your clean up crew. I have had a few in my tank for a couple months now without any problems